Dried Strawberry

Strawberries are also called cranberries, blueberries, and ground berries. Strawberry is a general term for the genus strawberry of Rosaceae, which is a perennial herb. Strawberry has a heart-shaped appearance, delicious red and tender, juicy flesh, and special rich fruit aroma. Strawberries are high in nutritional value, rich in vitamin C, and have the effect of helping digestion. At the same time, strawberries can also consolidate the gums, freshen the breath, and moisturize the throat.

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Product Details

1. Carotene contained in strawberry is an important substance for synthesizing vitamin A, which has the function of brightening eyes and nourishing liver;

2. Strawberry has certain tonic and conditioning effects on gastrointestinal tract and anemia;

3. Strawberry can not only prevent scurvy, but also has a good effect on prevention and treatment of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease;

Dried Strawberry

4. Strawberry is a plant rich in tannic acid, which can absorb and prevent the absorption of carcinogenic chemicals in the body, and has anti-cancer effect;

5. Strawberry contains aspartic acid, which can naturally and peacefully remove heavy metal ions in the body. Strawberry has bright color, soft and juicy fruit, rich flavor, sweet and sour taste, rich nutrition, and is deeply loved by consumers at home and abroad. It belongs to high-grade fruit.

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