Dried yellow peach

Yellow peach, also known as yellow flesh peach, is named after the yellow flesh. Yellow peach is generally distributed in North China, central China and southwest China. It grows in areas with high terrain, sufficient sunshine and fertile land. Its sweet and delicious, soft and hard flesh makes people linger. At the same time, yellow peach is rich in vitamins, which can be called "health peach".

After the yellow peach is made into the dried yellow peach through multiple processes, compared with the yellow peach, in addition to the reduction of water, the nutrients such as vitamins, pectin and cellulose will not be lost, and the nutritional value still exists. Moreover, dried yellow peach is easier to preserve and carry.

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Product Details

Yellow peach is a kind of nutritious fruit. After it is dried at high temperature, although the water content is reduced, the nutrient elements in it will not be reduced. It also has good nutrient accumulation. What are the effects and functions of yellow peach?

(1) prevention of constipation

Dried yellow peaches contain a large amount of pectin and cellulose. Proper consumption can help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, remove waste and toxins in the body, moisturize the intestines and defecate, and help prevent constipation.

(2) nourishing yin and tonifying kidney

Yellow peach has a very good tonic effect. After being made into yellow peach, the nutritional composition will not be reduced. Moderate consumption can improve the condition of physical weakness, and can also replenish qi and blood, nourish yin and kidney. It has a good conditioning effect for people with insufficient lung qi, blood loss and physical deficiency.

(3) promoting blood circulation and removing stasis

Eating dried peaches can also play the role of promoting blood circulation and promoting blood circulation. It can also play an obvious role in eliminating blood stasis and purple spots caused by poor blood circulation.

Dried yellow peach

(4) beauty and weight loss

A-carotene in dried yellow peach β- Rich in carotene, vitamin C and lycopene, it can effectively remove free radicals in the body and play a role in freckle and anti-aging; The cellulose contained can make people feel full, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, and have the effect of reducing weight.

(5) promote digestion

Dried yellow peaches taste very sour and sweet. It contains rich organic acid components. Eating them before meals can promote the secretion of gastric acid and facilitate the digestion of food in the intestine. Eating them before meals can enhance the appetite, stimulate the appetite and improve the poor diet. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of food, and should not eat more, so as to avoid damaging the intestines and stomach and reducing appetite.

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