Main ingredients: peach, lemon, salt, sugarSteps:1. Prepare 4kg of peaches, put the peaches into a bowl, add appropriate amount of salt and water, stir well, soak for 10 minutes, remove the fluff, and drain the water. Cut the peach in half, remove the stone with a spoon, place the peach on a board
2023/10/28 16:38
1. Airtight container: Select a completely airtight container, such as a glass jar, plastic Ziploc bag or special food crisper, and place the freeze-dried apple slices into it.2. Moisture and moisture: To prevent apple slices from absorbing moisture, place a small bag of dried rice in an airtight
2023/10/24 11:20
In recent years, a healthy snack called "fruit and vegetable crunch" has gradually emerged on the market. This delicious snack, with its crisp taste and rich nutritional value, has won the love of many consumers.Fruit and vegetable crisp, as the name suggests, is made of fruit, vegetables, edible
2023/10/23 16:51
Although preserved fruit, dried fruit, preserves, and fruit chips are all fruit products, they are very different in terms of production technology.Production processes vary:1. Dried fruitDried fruit is fresh fruit through air drying, drying, infrared microwave drying or vacuum freeze drying and
2023/10/05 13:54
Yantai preserved fruit, fresh fruit as raw materials, through the selection, cleaning, drying and other steps made. Its sweet taste and unique flavor, such as apricot, peach, plum, etc., are deeply loved by people.Appreciate the preserved fruit, first look at the color. The high-quality preserved
2023/10/05 13:47
It's not high. You can use it to lose weight.The calories per 100 grams of canned corn are 93 calories, and the calories of fresh corn are lower, only 66 calories per 100 grams, which is one-fourth to one-sixth of the calories of brown rice, and you can eat to lose weight.Because corn in addition
2023/09/23 14:07
Prepare fresh apples: Choose apples that are fresh, ripe and unblemished. Wash and remove peel and pit.Slicing: Use a blade or food processor to cut the apples into even slices. The thickness of the piece can be selected according to personal preference, but it is usually about 0.3 to 0.6 cm.
2023/09/23 11:24
1. Freeze drying takes place at low temperatures and is therefore particularly suitable for many heat-sensitive substances. Such as or loss of biological vitality.Fruit freeze dryerFruit freeze dryer (3 photos)2. When dried at low temperatures, some volatile components in the substance are lost
2022/12/14 16:14
1. Relieves fatigue, relieves heat and heat, quenches thirst, diuresis and diarrhea;2. Strawberries have high nutritional value, rich in vitamin C, help digestion, and can treat loss of appetite;3. Consolidate the gums, freshen the breath, moisturize the throat, sharpen the throat and relieve cough
2022/12/14 16:09
1, direct consumption: is the original taste of strawberries, the taste is not bad, no condiments and additives are added, please don't say that it is not delicious, this is not based on the market with deliciousness. 2. Brew tea with: rose, lemon, roselle, osmanthus, pineapple grains, mango pieces
2022/12/14 15:58
The role and efficacy of cheese are as follows: first, calcium supplement, because cheese is rich in calcium, it is one of the dairy products that can meet daily calcium intake; Second, enhance the resistance of the human body, because cheese can promote metabolism and enhance vitality, thus
2022/08/24 15:22