Cherry jam making tips

2023/12/30 10:10

Cherry jam is a kind of delicious, nutritious jam, its beautiful color, delicious taste, is one of the favorite food of many people. When making cherry jam, there are a few tips you can use to make the process smoother and make the jam more delicious.

First, material selection skills

Choosing fresh cherries is the key to making cherry jam. It is best to choose a bright, plump, unblemished cherry, so that the jam will taste better and the color will be more beautiful. At the same time, in order to make the jam more delicious, you can choose to mix different varieties of cherries to get a richer taste and flavor.

Second, cleaning skills

Cherries need to be washed before production to remove dirt and pesticide residues from the surface. When cleaning, you can rinse with flowing clean water many times until the water is clear. Be careful not to use detergent or soak for too long, so as not to affect the freshness and taste of the cherries.

Cherry Jam

Third, nuclear removal skills

The cherry pit is the part that must be removed when making jam, otherwise it will affect the taste and quality of the jam. Remove the stone with a knife or a pitter, taking care not to damage the cherry meat. If using a corer, the opening size can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes of cherry pits.

Four, cooking skills

Boiling is an important step in making cherry jam, and it is necessary to master the heat and time. Bring the cherries to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat and simmer until the flesh is soft and the juice thickens. You need to stir constantly during the cooking process to prevent the jam from burning or clumping. At the same time, pay attention to the control of the heat, avoid too much or too small, so as not to affect the taste and quality of the jam.

Fifth, bottling skills

After the jam is cooked, it needs to be stored in a clean glass jar. Wash and disinfect the glass bottle before bottling, and make sure it is free of water and oil. When filling jam, use a funnel or spoon to slowly pour the jam into the bottle to avoid air and impurities. Put the lid on the jar immediately after loading, and invert it for a while, so that the internal temperature of the jam is lower and the seal is tighter.

Sixth, preservation skills

The preservation of cherry jam needs to pay attention to the following points: First, to store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight and humidity; Secondly, to avoid contact with smelly food, so as not to affect the taste of jam; Finally, it is necessary to check the preservation of jam regularly, and it should be handled in time once deterioration is found.

Cherry Jam

In conclusion, mastering the above tips can help you better make and preserve cherry jam. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the selection of fresh, pesticide residue free ingredients and clean, waterless containers to ensure that the cherry jam produced tastes delicious, safe and sanitary.