Fruit and vegetable crisp packaging and storage: attention to detail to ensure quality and safety

2023/12/08 14:09

Fruit and vegetable crunches are a very popular food because they are not only unique in taste, but also rich in nutrients. When packaging and storing fruit and vegetable crisps, several aspects need to be paid attention to to ensure their quality and safety.

First of all, the packaging needs to consider preventing the entry of air, water vapor, light and microorganisms. Commonly used packaging materials include food grade plastic bags, aluminum foil bags, glass jars, etc. Food grade plastic bags have the advantages of lightweight, waterproof and high transparency, but they are not suitable for high temperature storage. Aluminum foil bag has excellent barrier properties and high temperature resistance, suitable for long-term storage. Glass jars have better sealing and durability, but they are fragile and inconvenient to transport. When choosing packaging materials, it is necessary to decide according to the characteristics of the product and storage time.

Fruit And Vegetable Crunches

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the following points when storing. First, it is necessary to store fruits and vegetables in a dry, cool, ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures. Secondly, the storage temperature is generally controlled below 10 ° C and the relative humidity is less than 50% to prevent mildew and moth. For long-term storage, you can choose to store them in an airtight container and then store them in the refrigerator or cold storage. In addition, in the storage process should pay attention to avoid fruit and vegetable dry pollution, such as exposure to harmful substances, dust and so on. Some fruits and vegetables contain more sugar and oil, easy to be affected by temperature and humidity, special attention should be paid to prevent them from spoiling.

In addition to packaging and storage, the following points need to be noted. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that its production and processing comply with food safety standards in order to protect the health of consumers. Secondly, for some fruits and vegetables with high sugar and fat crunchy, you need to pay special attention to their calories and fat content, so as to avoid excessive intake of calories and unhealthy fats. Finally, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the label and ingredient list of the product to ensure that the quality and ingredients of the product meet your needs.

Fruit And Vegetable Crunches

In short, packaging and storage of fruit and vegetable crisp need to pay attention to sealing, moisture, sun protection, insect protection and other aspects to ensure its quality and safety. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the nutritional composition and caloric content of dried fruits and vegetables, as well as food safety standards in the production and processing process. These measures help ensure that consumers can enjoy healthy, delicious fruit and vegetable crunches.